Yeo Park Infants School

Learning and Growing Together

Telephone02 9798 7560

Why choose Yeo Park Infants School?

On entering the exciting world of our little school in the park, each child is an active discoverer of their new world.

An innovative, colourful and adventurous curriculum leads our students along the beginning of their learning pathway. Harnessing a child's natural curiosity and energy, these programs are informed by quality teaching practices and principles and encourage each child to explore and discover their world.

Within the school's supportive and active learning environment, every child learns to explore new ideas with confidence. As they become more courageous, the children discover and question cause and effect in the world around them. They express their curiosity and wonder with their ever growing vocabulary, moving from 'what?' to 'why?' and 'how?' questions. As each child's enthusiasm to learn increases so does their potential.

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